Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Acupuncture for Depression

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing system that has been found to be successful in effectively treating different type of health conditions. It is believed that this form of treatment is about 2000 years old. Earlier acupuncture was not very widely accepted as a form of treatment in the west. Extensive research and studies were done on this and acupuncture has been found to be effective in curing many diseases. The World Health Organization or WHO has recognized more then 40 types of diseases that can be effectively cured by acupuncture. Acupuncture can successfully cure depression besides several other mental disorders.

The discovery of acupuncture as a form of healing has an interesting history. It was discovered when Chinese warriors were in the battlefield during war. The injured warriors reported that the earlier pain and diseases that they were experiencing had lessened considerably or in some cases cured to a large extent. Based on this the ancient medical practice of acupuncture was discovered by ancient Chinese people.

Depression is a mental disorder that is increasingly affecting many people all over the globe. In the United States about seven percent of the population experiences depression at some time or the other in a given year. Among the seven percent of population less than twenty five percent receive proper treatment for the condition. It is very important for the public to be aware about the depression, its effects and types of treatment for the condition. Alternative medicine like acupuncture has been found to be efficient for treating depression.

Depression can have several severe consequences on the health of a person. This is a health condition that not only affects the person suffering from the condition but also adversely affects the personal and social life of that person. Also everyone around that person also gets affected due to depression. Acupuncture can happen to any person belonging to any gender at anytime due to several reasons. However some studies have indicated that women are more vulnerable to depression then man.

The first step towards treating depression is identifying the depression trigger points in the body. Remember if you are seeking acupuncture treatment for depression; always seek treatment from a registered acupuncture practitioner. If your acupuncturist is not medically qualified, you can end up incurring several other health conditions. Do not make any compromise on your health regarding this. This is related to your health and well being and no amount of risk is worth taking for this.

Acupuncture treatment is based on the fact that two opposing forces are present in the human. One is the active and masculine force known as yang. The other is the passive and feminine force known as yin. For the human body to function normally it is very important to have the perfect balance between these two opposing forces. Any amount of imbalance can make the human body susceptible to various health conditions.

Treatment result of acupuncture for depression can vary from person to person. This can be due to many conditions. Some of the conditions that can affect the treatment process are lifestyle, actual extent of the condition, diet and other habits of the individual. Take care to undergo the complete course of the treatment; and do not leave it mid way. Acupuncture for depression can be very effective if done in the right way through professionally recognized acupuncturist.

George Archer has a Masters degree in acupuncture and herbology. He works for shenmedicine. Many people have been successfully treated with his expert advice. To get rid off your disease through acupuncture, make an appointment with George at Blog26554
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